Brain fog might not be a medical condition, but the term is used when someone has difficulty concentrating, feels somewhat exhausted, and has disorganized thought. The symptoms described as brain fog may result from certain medical conditions. However, nutrient deficiencies, lack of sleep, depression, and bacterial overgrowth from high sugar consumption can also cause it. Other culprits include a poor diet, hormonal changes, and chronic stress.
Chinese researchers recently found that some people who have recovered from long COVID-19 are also battling brain fog because of the damage it causes to organ systems.
Clearing Brain Fog
In people with underlying issues, treating brain fog requires being treated for their condition first and then following the advice given here. The most common medical conditions that induce brain fog include depression, celiac disease, fibromyalgia, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Supplements, sleep, and exercise is three critical ways to help you keep a clear brain. Find out how you can become more productive:

Improve Your Diet
Without a doubt, improving what you eat will positively impact your brain clarity. Avoid very processed foods and those with high sugar content. Instead, follow a diet as close to the Mediterranean diet as possible since it includes the benefits of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and olive oil. These are all foods known for benefitting brain health and memory.
Some people rely on intermittent fasting to treat brain fog on the more extreme side. By extending the time between meals, they promote the process of ketogenesis, thought to promote brain regeneration. Intermittent fasting should be practiced with an expert because the correct timing of meals is essential.
Regular Exercise
Research shows a link between conditions like Alzheimer’s, dementia, and mild cognitive dysfunction with a sedentary lifestyle. Aerobic exercise is the best way to improve your mental acuity, improved mood, and better memory because it helps to release endorphins and cytokines, both chemicals that revitalize the brain. Whether you prefer to run, walk, swim, or dance, you need at least 30 minutes of exercise at least five days a week. If you are out of form, start slowly and build up over time.
You Need Your Sleep
When sleep-deprived, the body can’t heal correctly or flush out toxins. Some people need more sleep than others, but make sure you aren’t depriving your body of the rest it needs by sleeping too late and waking up too early. The more rested you are, the more work you can accomplish.
Alcohol, Drugs and Your Brain
Alcohol and drugs harm the brain, and their use is linked to poor memory, depression, and difficulty concentrating. So it’s best to avoid these.
Beneficial Activities
Thinking and memory are improved when you have a positive outlook. Cognitive stimulation activities that can help relieve brain fog include social interactions, reading, music, and mindfulness.
Brain Supplements
Nutrient deficiencies can contribute to brain fog. Most people with low levels of some vitamins and nutrients can benefit from taking the following supplements:
Vitamin D – Studies have shown that people with lowered vitamin D levels suffer increased depression and may have increased brain fog symptoms. Vitamin D supplements can improve concentration, memory, and mood, often improving brain fog to some extent.
Vitamin C – Immune health relies on vitamin C. Vitamin C is vital for several other critical functions, including brain health. Research has linked a deficiency in vitamin C to cognitive impairment and depression. Conversely, healthy levels of vitamin C can help improve brain fog.
B Complex – A shortage of B vitamins contributes to brain fog, so replenish your intake by taking a B complex supplement.
Omega-3s– Omega-3 supplements may improve cognitive health and reduce brain fog symptoms, according to research. Include foods like salmon and mackerel in your diet and take supplements.
Magnesium – Low magnesium levels are not suitable for the heart or brain health—combat brain fog by taking a supplement.
L-theanine – L-theanine comes from some plants, including green tea. A supplement can help improve your sleep, memory, and reaction time.
Establish a Routine
Researchers have shown that our brains love patterns and routines. The brain is one of the most active organs in our bodies, consuming loads of energy as it scans for patterns. These patterns or routines are essential, and disruptions can lead to brain fog. The best way to deal with it is to re-establish a routine.
Final Take
Brain fog causes and symptoms vary, but it is frustrating and impacts your productivity and quality of life. So make these easy lifestyle modifications and become more productive.