7 Ways Nootropics Can Help Athletes Improve Game Time Performance

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Nootropics, famous for enhancing mental performance, are widely used by students, tech nerds, and work junkies. However, nootropics also improve physical performance, making them a valuable and popular supplement among athletes.

Nootropics and 7 Ways They Improve Game Time Performace

There are seven ways that nootropics can improve game-time performance in athletes, so let’s jump straight into seeing what they are.

1.      Focusing Toward Objectives

You would be pardoned if you thought some sports require nothing more than brawn from the athlete, but the reality is that every sport relies on cognitive efforts from the athlete to focus on outwitting their opponent constantly.

Wrestlers, boxers, tennis players, and the members of a basketball or gridiron team all need to focus and concentrate as they meet their opponents and work toward reaching their objectives. Nootropics can help them think clearly and focus on their game, blocking out cheers and jeers from the crowded arenas they play in.

2.      Motivation Helps Retain Passion

Burnout is just as prevalent in athletes as it is in the rest of us. Tedious workout regimens and hours of exercise often affect athlete motivation. Unfortunately, burnout can remove all the passion for their sport, placing an athlete on a motivational plateau or, even worse, a complete downslide.

Psychology plays a significant role in motivation, and nootropics can modulate neurochemicals like dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine, maintaining motivation. These “pleasure-reward” chemicals help athletes remain motivated and concentrated on their game.

3.      Endurance and Going the Distance

The depletion of cellular energy reduces the performance of an athlete. What happens is that the mind stops focusing, resulting in the stagnation of motivation. The message soon reaches the muscles, and they stop functioning at their ultimate performance. Nootropics can help improve cellular energy production (ATP) – by promoting mitochondrial health that increases energy production, improving oxygen delivery to the brain, faster nutrient circulation, and managing excess stress levels.

4.      Managing Physical Stress

Athletes don’t only experience psychological stress but also physical stress because of intense training programs. Unfortunately, physical stress can negatively impact their health, and the two most common ways are:

  • The increase of stress hormone cortisol is a reaction needed to increase the “fight-or-flight” response, but that also poses health risks when persistently activated. The HPA axis triggers the stress hormone cortisol.
  • Oxidative stress or free radical damage is known to increase age-related deterioration.

Both these stress levels may become more manageable with adaptogen and antioxidant nootropics because they regulate the stress hormone response and decrease the adverse effect of oxidative stress.

5.      Multitask Management

Some sports require more than just attention and need participating athletes to multitask. Throughout the game, the athletes constantly undergo a mental process where they are aware of their roles, moves relating to the other player/players, their opponents’ roles, and awareness of their location.

During their game, athletes don’t have time to overanalyze their movements but need a strong mental capacity to process all the information. So, just like they need to block out external distractions, they need to do the same with internal ones to ensure they focus on their working memory.

6.      Memory and Sports

Nootropics support brainpower that includes processes like intellectual thought, learning, and comprehension, while also committing them to memory. Memory allows athletes to recall everything they have learned at the crucial moment during the game. As the nootropics also improve their concentration, it will enable them to “learn” from the opponents as they play, preparing them for threats during the game.

7.      Creativity And The Game

The creative-boosting effect of nootropics is known to artists, creators, scholars, and professionals in all fields. In addition, athletes often rely on creativity as much as they rely on motivation, and several nootropics can assist them in acquiring a new creative spark.

Nootropics That Boost Athlete Performace

Choline is known to support the cholinergic system that promotes memory and learning. In addition, several cholinergic compounds are known to assist physical performance. One of the first synthetic compounds was piracetam. Newer ones include Alpha GPC, Citicoline, and Choline Bitartrate, known for their various effects like enhanced physical performance, improved coordination, and increased motor speed.

Physical performance nootropics like fish oil, Phosphatidylserine, and pine bark extract (pycnogenol) are combined in various supplements to encourage a greater connection between the body and mind.

Final Word On Nootropics For Athletes

Natural nootropics are safe for athletes to use to enhance their performance. Unfortunately, most lab-synthesized stimulants are only available on prescription and are not allowed in competitive sports. Competing athletes should always check on the legal status of any cognitive enhancer.

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